Saturday, March 26, 2011

Loving Autumn

Loving Autumn and loving my Sunday. Thought I'd just post this photo of my kitchen table as I tap and scratch across my keyboard spending the hours studying, eating, reading and doing just a tiny bit of tidying.....and also getting to better know my computer and mobile phone's relationship. Their Bluetoothedness - so that I might upload photos. It's a match made in heaven! And now I have no excuse for letting this blogsite be so image starved!

What's coming up? Peter Sanson workshop at Fiona Links's studio in Taupo: this weekend, April 1, 2, 3. A trip to Melbourne 8th April till 19th April. Can't wait. Peter McNaughton will take all Ashtanga classes while I'm away, though I'm sorry to report all other classes will be cancelled. And for the long weekend of Easter there will be no classes. Time for a break anyway.


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